Saturday, April 2, 2011

He "leadeth them away carefully..."

First I just have to say I love Nephi. He just flat out says it how it is. Ok. So with that this morning my companion were biking to the computer lab. On the way to the lab there is a very small pond we pass. Well my previous companion told me that once she saw a gator there so every time I pass it I keep my eye out for one. This morning it payed off! I saw one! My companion and I were SO excited and quickly threw our bikes down to get some pictures. Well it was just chillin there all nonchalant and didn't look to be at all dangerous (which we all know to the contrary). At first we were as far away from it as possible then we began edging closer and closer until we were within five feet of it. His lazy appearance and I don't care if you touch me attitude was dulling our instincts and I soon found myself wanting to touch it. But luckily I do have some common sense and decided against it. So what does this have to do with what I studied today? -everything.
In verses 21-22 of 2 Nephi 28 it talks about the evil cunning and craftiness of Satan. You've got to admit he is a pretty slick dude. He uses the tiniest and simplest things to move us ever so slightly away from our end goal: eternal life. Don't fall for it. Stick to what you know and feel is right. If something leads you away or causes you to do something contrary to Christ's teachings, don't do it. Satan is tricky and knows how to entice us but the only way he can have power over us is if we let him. Always be worthy of the Holy Ghost so that it will and can be your constant companion. He will protect and guide you.

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