Here are some very late comments on my studies of the end of Alma! Have I said that I love this book yet?!?! :D
In Alma 59:9 "And now as Moroni had supposed that there ashould be men sent to the city of Nephihah, to the assistance of the people to maintain that city, and knowing that it was easier to keep the city from falling into the hands of the Lamanites than to retake it from them, he supposed that they would easily maintain that city" (italics added). When I read this I thought of how much easier it is to follow the commandments and be obedient than it is to fall and have to repent and work our way back to the top. I don't remember who said it but someone said 'its easier to be 100% obedient than 90% obedient' or something to that effect.
Another chapter I really like was Alma 62:40-41 (vs. 41) "But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened, because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were softened because of their aafflictions, insomuch that they did humble themselves before God, even in the depth of humility." How do we take our 'afflictions' do we just kind of roll with the punches? Do we take them with bitterness and become even more bitter after each trial or do we live and learn with a humble heart and positive attitude. I'd like to say I'm always the humble type learning from all of my experiences and being grateful for them but...that is something I could definitely work on. Sometimes I think its hard to stay positive during the trying times and we forget that everything we go through is for our good and learning. I hope we can all strive to learn from our challenges and become better and stronger because of them. Let us be like those who "were softened because of their afflictions" and let us humble ourselves before God. Though I may not appreciate my trials at the time they happened I can now say that I am so grateful for the experiences I have had in my life and for the opportunities Heavenly Father has given me to become a stronger, better disciple, and daughter of God.
I love you guys!! You always have the perfect things to say at the perfect times :)